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Page history last edited by ElizabethA 7 years, 11 months ago

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Last year, with the advent of mobile - getting into the Blackboard Collaborate Webheads room for synchronous meetings in a web browser became  a whole lot more complicated!

However - see the bottom of this page for its ease of use on a mobile device.


Before being able to join a meeting, you have to download and install the Blackboard Collaborate launcher as explained here

using Firefox

Using Chrome

using Safari on a Mac (careful - the downloader file is different for Macs)


Instructions for laptop

Now, when you go to the tech check in the webheads virtual office http://learningtimesevents.org/webheads/


It will run you through joining a meeting, When joining a meeting you will find that BlackboardCollaborate loads a mini program called "meeting" as explained in the video here for PCs (starting at 1m 49sec)  https://youtu.be/aSgAAQWiRGY?t=1m49s

Please note it is much easier to open a meeting using Firefox (which directly offers you the option to "open" the file called "meeting") than it is using Chrome (where you are obliged to actively download that mini file and right click "open with")In both cases BE PATIENT! It always takes a little while to open :-)



If you have problems, here's the troubleshooting page - but we do hope you do not need to go there!

Here is Vance Steven's walkthough of forcing the BbC launcher to open your "meeting" file (click here)




You can follow the meeting on a mobile device, by downloading the app

from the itunes app store

or from google play

At the last try, it seems you can follow the white board/chat/ use icons and talk using a mobile but it seems that if the presenter uses a web tour or shows a YouTube video in their presentation, this is not available on the mobile - you would be given a link in that case, and have to come back yourself to the BbC app. In ICT4ELT we will try not to use these functions if people join on a mobile device :-)

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