Live Sessions
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Saved by Jose Antonio da Silva
on January 1, 2017 at 10:36:57 am
Live Sessions
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Sessions Timetable
Week 1
Speaker's Bio
Venue and Time in GMT
Elizabeth Anne
José Antônio
EliZA and JA
Your co-moderators Elizabeth Anne and José Antônio will give participants a tour on
the many ways pbworks and other wikis can be used in class with students and with peer
teachers to share and collaborate. They will showcase practical examples of projects
carried out using this tool.
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Webheads Elluminate vRoom
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 16:00 - 17:00 GMT
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Session page
"Using pbworks in education"
Week 2
Speaker's Bio
Venue and Time in GMT |
Nicky Hockly
Nicky Hockly is Director of Pedagogy of The Consultants-E, an award-winning online training and development organisation. She has worked in the field of English Language Teaching since 1987, is an international plenary speaker, and gives workshops and training courses for teachers all over the world. Nicky writes regular columns on technology for teachers in ETP (English Teaching Professional) magazine, and in the ELTJ (English Language Teaching Journal). She has also written several prize-winning methodology books about new technologies in language teaching, many of them with co-author Gavin Dudeney. The latest of these books are Focus on Learning Technologies (2016), and ETpedia Technology (forthcoming 2017). She is a member of the Oxford University Press ELT Expert Advisory Panel, a Consultant for the Cambridge English Teacher platform (Cambridge University Press), and is a member of the NILE Advisory Panel, as well as being a member of the TESOL Journal Advisory Board. Nicky lives in Barcelona, and is a technophobe turned technophile.
You can find out more about Nicky on The Consultants-E website here, including a complete list of her publications.
For possible areas to address in a plenary and workshops, please see our list of current workshop topics.
Adobe Connect Tuesday January 17
Live Stream
GMT/UTC 14:00
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Session page
Week 3
Speaker's Bio
Venue and Time in GMT
Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey is a blogger, teacher trainer and experienced materials writer and editor. He has been working in ELT since 1992 and has worked all over the world with companies like British Council, International House and Bell Educational Service as well as ELT publishers including Macmillan, CUP, OUP and a range of tech companies including Google.
He was the commissioning editor for the BBC - British Council’s Teaching English website from 2003 - 2007. In 2010 his Daily English Activities blog was shortlisted for a British Council Innovations award and in 2012 he won an Innovations award for the blended learning course he developed for Bell. His first major ebook 'Digital Video - A manual for language teachers' was written and produced as a multimedia iBook for iTunes after crowd funding through Indiegogo and has now been shortlisted for an Innovations award in 2016.
Author - Digital video - A manual for language teachers: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/digital-video/id1025275485 Author - 10 Lessons in Digital Literacy: https://www.tes.com/us/teacher-lessons/10-lessons-in-digital-literacy-11231525 Author - Web 2.0 tools for teachers: https://www.tes.com/us/teacher-lessons/web-2-0-tools-for-teachers-11168048 Co-editor - Creativity in the English language classroom: http://englishagenda.britishcouncil.org/books-resource-packs/creativity-english-language-classroom Founder - PeacheyPublications http://peacheypublications.com/
In this session Nik will look at a range of tools and resources to encourage students to look at web based information in a more critical way.
Adobe Connect
Monday, January 23,
20.00 - 21.00 UK time
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Session Page
"Thinking Critically Through Digital Media"
Week 4
Speaker's Bio
Venue and Time in GMT
Arjana Blazic
Arjana Blazic is a Language Arts Teacher at IX. gimnazija in Zagreb, Croatia and 2014-2015 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow
at the Pennsylvania State University. She is education technology advisor and course designer, international speaker
and workshop leader.
In this webinar we will present various online testing tools that teachers can use to create their own
interactive quizzes, surveys, puzzles and games for testing student knowledge and measuring student
progress. The talk will focus on free user-friendly tools that can be used for testing different language
Adobe Connect
Monday, January 30,
20.00 - 21.00 CET
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Session Page
"Tools for online assessment"
Live Sessions
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