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revisited previous weeks tools and shared your reflections about how you intend to use any of them in your classrooms and added your name to the Google Doc for future collaboration projects
shared your reflections on ICT4ELT using the G+Community
Share your reflections about how you intend to implement any of the tools introduced in previous weeks in your face-to-face classrooms or online learning. Choose how to share your reflections: in your blog, in Edmodo or in G+.
Task 2
Let's collaborate! Add your name to the future collaboration projects on the Google Doc.
Task 3
Share your reflections on the experience of learning in ICT4ELT2017 in our Google+Community.
Join the EVO2017 Live Webcast: Sharing Your Experience at the Webheads Elluminate vRoom on Sunday February 12, 2017 at 00:00 GMT(time to be added when confirmed)
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