
Week 4

Page history last edited by Ayat 8 years ago

Exploring Edmodo and interactive quizzes


(Week 4: Jan 29 - Feb 4, 2017)






Elizabeth Anne (France), Sanja Bozinovic (Croatia), Behice Ceyda Cengiz (Turkey)


Guest presenter: Arjana Blazic





By the end of this week you will have:

  • explored different tools to create online interactive exercises, quizzes, and surveys
  • created activities using some of these tools and placed them in your blog/wiki
  • commented on exercises or quizzes of other participants in the Google+Community once they announce they have completed their tasks
  • explored Edmodo, created your own quiz and poll there and solved other people's quizzes or polls  




Task 1

  • Read about the possibilities of the tools in the Suggested reading below
  • Choose one or two interactive exercise makers (from the table below) and explore them. 
  • Choose other ones if you don't like your first choice
  • Create two interactive exercises using different tools 
  • Place the  links or embed two exercises in your wiki or blog
  • Now you can explore another tool and create another exercise if you like.
  • Share the links to your exercises  in our G+ week 4 so that others can try them out
  • If you have any problems, post your questions there too


Task 2

  • Create an account in Edmodo as a teacher and then join our class ICT4ELT2017. The code for joining:  vd7zej. 
  • If you already have an account in Edmodo, log in to your account, search for ICT4ELT2017 class and use the code vd7zej to join.  
  • Watch Edmodo tutorials underneath if you need help.  
  • Solve some of the quizzes and polls prepared by your moderators and other colleagues in class for you in our Edmodo classroom 
  • Create your own quiz and poll and check how other participants solved it



Task 3

  • Explore the software for creating online surveys (from the table below)
  • Create an online survey (using tools other than Edmodo) for your students or for participants of this ICT4ELT session, and place the link to it into your blog or wiki 
  • Once you complete the task please send the link also to G+ week 4 so we can check.



Task 4 

  • Follow other participants announcements in G+ week 4  
  • Go to other participants wikis or blogs and answer the survey questions in other participants' surveys 
  • Provide feedback to other participants as a reply to their announcement in G+Week 4
  • If you know other interactive exercise makers you are very happy with, you can share the links through our G+ Tips from participants 



Task 5

  • Read this week's readings (at the bottom of this page) and if you have any comments, post them in our G+ Week 4 Readings


Week 4 Live Session is on Monday, 30 January, 19.00- 20.00 GMT. More information on the Live Sessions page.


Here are some useful tutorials to get you started 


  • Learning Apps - Choose the language of the tutorial by clicking the flag in the upper right-hand corner. And here is just one example of a possible exercise for inspiration.

 The easiest way to start with this tool is browsing apps of other people, choosing one you like and then clicking the button Create similar app. Then you erase the content and leave just the template of the exercise. You need to create your account to do that, of course. 






Tools to explore



Interactive exercise and quiz creators 

No registration needed, you need to download them though Registration needed
Eclipse Crossword [download] - great for printed worksheets, yet you can also create html exercises. 
Learning Apps highly recommended, easy to use and exercises look really good

Web Sequitur & Web Rhubarb [download]

(demo version is free)

Edmodo - you can create quizzes for your classes and see students' results. This can be done only once you create a teacher's account and create your own class there


Quandary  [download] There is a detailed tutorial above
More optional tools for those who want to experiment more:

Hot Potatoes  [download] There are detailed tutorials above with pictures and explanations

Educaplay It is very easy to create exercises here, just view some samples in their gallery and start your own. Their video quizzes are worth watching.  
   Quizstar you can create online quizzes for your students, these will be automatically graded
  Quizlet - you can use a large database of activities or create your own
  PhotoPeach quizzes
  Quizalize - you learnt about it in the live session

Online worksheets

No registration needed Registration needed
Tools for Educators  Worksheet Wizard

Online Surveys and Poll creators

No registration needed Registration needed
 Google account holders can create easy surveys through their Drive - you need to create a Form, as it is called in your Google drive.
SurveyMonkey the best tool for your surveys
  Edmodo - you can create polls for your classes once you create a teacher's account
  Survey tools - a selection of 9 tools
  Surveys and polls - a selection of 10 tools






















I have....

  • explored several tools (interactive exercises, worksheets or surveys)
  • created at least two exercises or quizzes  with at least two of these tools and posted their links into my blog/wiki
  • created one survey and placed it in my blog or wiki 
  • commented on exercises or quizzes of other participants in their wikies or blogs
  • commented on the readings using our Google+ community



To get a badge for this week, you need to

  • create at least two exercises or quizzes (other than Edmodo) using at least two of the tools suggested and place them in your blog or wiki 

  • create a quiz and poll in Edmodo

  • create one survey (other than Edmodo) and place it in your blog or wiki



Please fill out this form so that we can send you your badge.  




Suggested readings 



A short note: HotPotatoes terms of use have changed:

"Hot Potatoes is now freeware. The complete version of the programs is now available for free, from the Downloads section . The free version of Hot Potatoes for Windows is version 6.3, and the Java version is 6.1."
"The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web. Hot Potatoes is freeware, and you may use it for any purpose or project you like. It is not open-source."







Looking for more inspiration?



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