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Week 3

Page history last edited by Jose Antonio da Silva 7 years, 8 months ago


Presentation Tools, Blogs and Wikis


(Week 3: Jan 22 - 28, 2017)






Sanja Bozinovic (Croatia),  Maria Bossa (Argentina), Jose Antonio (Brazil)



Guest presenter: Nik Peachey






By the end of this week you will have:

  • explored different multimedia tools introduced in week 3 
  • created a short photo slideshow presentation or a short video story presentation using some of these multimedia tools
  • created your blog or wiki  
  • embedded your presentation or short video  in your blog or wiki and shared it with the group
  • added a link of your  blog or wiki to  the Participants' Productions page 
  • commented on the readings in our G+Community






Task 1

  • Choose any multimedia tools from the list (tutorials can be found lower in this page):





  • Explore one of the tools (either on your own or with a friend)
  • Test it! 


Task 2

  • If you chose photo tools create a short photo slideshow presentation 
  • If you chose video tools create a short video story presentation
  • Optional - if you want, you can also explore other tools from the table below


Task 3

  • Once you are done and your presentations ready to go, create a blog or a wiki of your own 
  • As for wikis, you can start your account in PBworks (seemingly unlimited in the free version) or Wikispaces (free for educators, they will check if it is used for education only)
  • As for blogs, you can create your account in BloggerWordPress or Edublogs for teachers. We recommend Blogger as it offers the most uploading possibilities , yet you can experiment with other blogs too.
  • Check out this blog on blogger created by our moderators. We will post things there to showcase some possibilities a blog can offer you. Please leave a comment.  


Task 4

  • Embed your presentations in your blog or wiki
  • SHARE the link to your blog or wiki with embedded presentations in the Participants' Production: Blogs and Wikis  page. 


Task 5

  • Read this week's readings (at the bottom of this page) and post comments on the readings in our Google+Community


Task 6 

  • You are invited to attend a live presentation by Nik Peachey on Monday, 23 January at 20.00 GMT/UTC. Check the time and date for your time zone here. All the information on the Live Session can be found on the Live Session Event Page.  After the session, you post your comment on the wiki 


Tools to explore



Picture Tools 
This is an online photo management and sharing application.
Software enabling easy uploading of your presentations and documents online. Only the public version is free, to have private uploads you need to pay.
PhotoPeach An easy tool for creating video-like slideshows from photos.  You can create quizzes with photos here. More about quizzes in week 4.
Animoto Another tool for creating video-like slideshows from your photos. Teachers  - apply for a free Animoto plus account and get unlimited longer videos.
Video Tools 
Youtube You can record your own videos for free. Publish as "unlisted" if you want to keep them (relatively) private.
Presentation software
You can create a simple presentation using all your media together - it can contain videos, photos, documents, etc. 
Presentation software similar to PowerPoint, yet already online, no need to transfer your presentations online.  
Prezi A very modern presentation software, you can use template layout as a starting point. With more practice you can design your own templates. Videos can be embedded here.
Blogs and wikis
PBworks  Unlimited - you are asked if you have finished using it when it has been inactive for 11 months - and you can still keep it if you reply.
Wikispaces Offers a free 30-day trial, then you need to pay a one-off  1$ fee. 
Blogger You need to have a Google account to access blogger. 
WordPress A simple blog for all. very flexible, look for the WPwidget for embedding.
Edublogs A dedicated platform for teachers,











I have...

  • explored different multimedia tools 
  • created a short photo slideshow presentation or a short video story presentation using some of these multimedia tools
  • created my blog or wiki  
  • embedded my presentations in my blog or wiki and added a link to the Participants' Production page
  • commented on the readings in our G+Community



Suggested readings 

Blogging basics

Blogging for ELT

Blogging with students

What are Wikis, and Why Should You Use Them

A wiki about wikis

What to do with wikis - an ELT perspective

The Teacher's Guide To Using YouTube in The Classroom 

Rules for using public YouTube videos in the classroom




To get a badge for this week, you need to:


  • explore at least one multimedia tool and create your presentation
  • create a blog or a wiki and share a link on the Participants' Production page

  • embed your presentation into your blog or wiki 

  • post your comment on at least one piece of reading


Please fill out this form so that we can send you your badge.




Comments (0)


Comments (2)

ElizabethA said

at 2:21 am on Oct 1, 2019

Hi Jose - when I receive the notice that this workspace was going to be delete, I clicked on its “remain active” link in order to see how long ago this was. The wiki page history says the pages were created three years ago, and yet it seems much longer than that - I should have checked the EVO year before starting to write, but really I just wanted to take the opportunity to say Hi, and I hope all goes well for you :-)
It was soooo difficult for me to give up teaching, but now I am very physically active looking after two orchards - some 200 trees in all . My small town provided the land to an association some 10 years ago, and like all associations, it has its ups and its downs, but when trees are involved it doesn’ just die a normal association death, so a small number of us have been learning about and experimenting fruit tree growing :-)

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 1:05 pm on Oct 1, 2019

Hi Elizabeth,
It is great to hear from you. I really miss you. Glad to know you are enjoying your free time. I am overwhelmed like always, but everything is fine.
What a wonderful thing you are doing. I love plants, especially fruit trees. Really honored you took the time to drop a line. Thanks for reactivating the space.
Kindest regards from Brazil

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