
Week 2

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on January 20, 2017 at 2:04:27 pm

Communication tools and Mobile learning:  

Text / Images / Audio / Video


(Week 2: Jan 15 - 21, 2017) 






Moderators : 

Ayat Tawel (Egypt),  Jose Antonio da Silva (Brazil), Marcia Lima (Brazil) , Behice Ceyda Cengiz (Turkey)


Guest presenter: Nicky Hockly  


Objectives :


By the end of this week, you will have : 


  • downloaded and installed Skype and created a contact list
  • attended mini Skype/other chat conferences with moderators and/or other participants, exploring its features
  • explored different tools for sending audio and video messages
  • attended a live session/listened to the recordings
  • commented on the Live Session in the Wiki
  • commented on the readings using the Google+Community 
  • explored Twitter and taken part in a tweetmeet
  • explored possible use of tools such as Whatsapp, Skype, Facebook Messenger, TodaysMeet, and Instagram for mobile learning.  














Activities :


Task 1

  • Download and install Skype (see Tutorials below)
  • Create a Contact list using Skype IDs available in our Participants' Profiles pages and the ict4eltteam page. See table with moderators' ID and availability after task 5. 
  • Join a moderator's Skype group for some mobile learning discussion and tasks.
  • Explore Skype  and its features, including voice chat, by joining any of the moderators and other participants for chats or conferences (group chats), and reflect on its  potential in TEFL/TESL 


Task 2  

  • Read the text on mobile learning and share your ideas using the SAMR model reference here 
  • Join Nicky Hockly's  live session of the week about mobile learning on Tuesday, January 17, at 14 GMT 
    • Check your local times here
    • Information on the "Live Sessions" is found on Live Session Event Page. 
    • YOU CAN also FOLLOW Live Streaming on our Live Session Wiki site and participate in Chat here. 
  •  Post your comments about the live session to the Wiki 


Task 3

  • Explore the audio and video tools offered below. Add one or more of your  recorded messages to the Padlet wall, sharing with us your perspective on one or two of those ideas

           - how you would use audio or video tools in teaching listening and speaking?

           - how do you use or would use the mobile devices your students bring to class (BYOD) with these tools or implementing some of the ideas you have seen this week?  

(From week 3 on, you will be able to make a link to or embed your audio/video recordings in the blog/wiki that you will create).


Posting your audio or video recording on our Padlet wall is very easy to do, just double click anywhere on the wall, write your name and country, a short description and add a link of your audio or video message.


Also, share your Products in the Production Page. Follow example which is posted there. To post audio, video,  or any hyperlink you should click on the + sign on the bottom and add the link and then click on OK.


Made with Padlet


Task 4

  • Read this week's readings (links to readings are at the bottom of this page) and comment on the readings for the week in the G+Community)


Task 5

  • Explore Twitter and take part in a Tweetmeet. You should be using this hashtag #ICT4ELT to take part in our tweetmeet.
  • Explore other text tools such as Todaysmeet  in meetings with co-moderators 



       >>>1st  Chat:  Jan 15 at  11 GMT


Scheduled chat sessions - Link and Time in GMT 



To join the chat room, open the link. As your nickname, enter your first name and country you are from. No account needed in TodaysMeet, just click on the link and add your first 

name and country. 

Tentative topics

1. Revisiting Week 1 (ideas and resources) 

2. Using Padlet in teaching 

3. Challenges for implementing ICT

4. Using WhatsApp in teaching 

5. BYOD approach (What to do with Student's devices?)

6. Social bookmarking 



Moderator  Sunday  Jan 15 Monday 16 Tuesday Jan 17 Wednesday Jan 18 Thursday Jan 19 Friday Jan 20 Saturday Jan 21 

Jose Antonio TodaysMeet

Check out  chatlogs of past sessions

 16 - 17 GMT  chatlog

  21 - 22 GMT 

 13 - 14 GMT chatlog

 17 - 18 GMT 

 17 - 18 GMT chatlog

 20 - 21 GMT 



 Ayat Tawel TodaysMeet
 8 - 9 GMT
16 - 17 GMT  
 Marcia Lima TodaysMeet

 19 - 20 GMT 

 0 - 1 GMT








     >>>1st  TweetMeet:  Jan. 18 at 22 GMT #ict4elt17


      >>> 2nd TweetMeet :  Jan 21, at  08 GMT #ict4elt17 


Skype conferences - Moderators'  Skype IDs and availability in GMT 


Moderator  Skype ID Twitter ID Tuesday Jan 17 Wednesday Jan 18 Thursday Jan 19 Friday Jan 20 Saturday Jan 21 
Ayat Tawel  Ayat.Tawel @ayatawel   
 20- 21 GMT

21 - 22 GMT

Jose Antonio  joseantoniook @joseantoniook   

 08  -  09 GMT

 22 -  23 GMT 


17 - 18 GMT

Marcia Lima         bamarcia   @bamarcia    13 - 14 GMT    
17 - 18 GMT
Elizabeth Anne elizabeth.anne2  @eannegrenoble   



  Sanja Bozinovic msbozinovic  @bsanja       




Tools to explore


Audio tools


A free web tool to record unlimited audio messages or upload mp3 files to embed in your website or blog. It's easy as no account or software is needed.

"...a mobile & web platform that effortlessly allows you to record and share audio for your friends, family or the rest of the world to hear."

Vocaroo A very easy and simple tool to record, share and embed your audio messages. No registration is needed.
Voki Voki is a fun tool that students can use for homework, classwork or project.Customize their appearance and what they say, and share with others!


A good tool for creating group discussions and practice listening and speaking. It has been used for TOEFL practice. It cannot be embedded, but it can be shared in many blogging hosts and social networking websites. 
Video tools  
Mailvu "Unleash the Power of Video with the Simplicity of Email. Upload. Record. Videomail. Download."


Another video messaging tool that allows you to send video messages. Once a video message is created, you can get replies and have a threaded video discussion or conversation. Winkball messages can also be embedded into your website.




Text  tools  

Create chatrooms for your classes on the go. 


It is a video and text messaging tool that allows you to create chat rooms logging in to your Facebook or e-mail. After creating the room, you can invite your students to join in. It is good for IOS and Android mobile devices or PCs. 








More tools


Please check this Padlet with some more tools to explore 















Readings :

Main readings Hockly, N. (2012).  Substitute or redefine? Mobile learning in and out of class Modern English Teacher 21/3  In this article Nicky Hockly looks at mobile learning activities for both in and out of class, and maps these activities against Puentedura's SAMR model. Also check out this video by the author 

  • English Language Teaching Global Blog, 25 ideas for using WhasApp with English language students  There are some obstacles to the use of technology in ELT, such as availability of technology and internet connection in the classroom, teacher techno-phobia, and perhaps  knowing how to use it for language learning purposes. WhatsApp or similar messaging services can help overcome these obstacles.
  • Terrel, S. (2014) Teaching with Instagram: 20 + Ideas and Resources  In this short blog post, Shelly Terrell shares some useful ideas on how teachers can use Instagram in their classes. 
  • English Language Teaching Global Blog Oxford University Press, Sep 2012 Social Media and ELT  A short blog post giving some reasons why and explaining how teachers could use social media in their classes. 



Additional readings  

  • BBC Active. QR codes in education  A short post explaining what qr-codes are and how they can be used in class.
  • Mahmoud, Salameh S. (2013). The Effect of Using English SMS on KAU Foundation Year Students’ Speaking and Writing Performance  . American International journal of social science, Vol. 2, No. 2. (This study aims at investigating the effect of using English short messaging service (SMS) on the development of the foundation year students‟ speaking and writing skills at King Abdulaziz University (KAU). Written and oral tests developed by the researcher were used to measure such development. 
  • Peachey, N. (2012). Tech Tools for Teachers: Podcasting. (A comprehensive overview article on podcasting and how it can be used to help students develop their listening and speaking skills both inside and outside the classroom.)
  • Hockly, N. (2016).  Five-Minute Guides: Issues in Mobile Learning This post is a follow-up to a panel discussion and summarises the issues brought up by the audience as well as some of the views of the panel.
  • Vilà, C. A. (2010). Skype in the EFL ClassHumanising Language Teaching, Year 12, Issue 4, August 2010. (Skype has become a very popular tool for making calls on the web. In this article, Cristina Arnau Vilà briefly explains what Skype is, how it works, and gives some tips on ways to use it in the classroom.)
  •  Miller, A. (2014). Twelve Ideas for Teaching with QR Codes A post with a short tutorial and some ideas for using QR codes in class.

Tutorial for creating QR-Codes









I have....

  • downloaded and installed Skype and created a contact list
  • attended mini Skype/other chatt conferences with moderators and/or other participants, exploring its features.
  • explored audio and video tools for sending messages
  • attended the live session/listened to the recording
  • commented on the Live Session in our Google+Community
  • commented on the readings using the Google+Community
  • explored Twitter and took part in a tweetmeet



To get a badge for this week, you need to do at least four of the following :


  • attend a Skype or other chat mini conference
  • create and share at least one audio or video message
  • comment on the live session of the week
  • comment on at least one piece of reading
  • take part in a tweetmeet 

Fill out this form to collect your badge 



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