Task 2. Join our Google+Community and do a little icebreaking activity. Check this tutorial on how to post to Google + Community in case you have any doubts
You can also add your name and home town to the map of ICT4ELT 2017 members There is a tutorial on how to edit the map here.
The map with all participants so far can be seen in the front page
If you prefer using a mobile device, here's how to post to the ICT4ELT Google+Community from your phone or tablette
Task 3. If you wish to receive a badge for your weekly tasks create a Credly account. By collecting all 5 weekly badges during the ICT4ELT session you will receive the Certificate of Participation. You will be asked to provide your account information when you fill the form to request your weekly badge at the end this page.
commented on the readings in G+Community(see readings on the bottom of this page).
explored these tools: the wiki, G+ Community
posted my comment on the Week 1 Live Session
Suggested readings for further information
Getting the most of your e-learning course. Leaning online is a very convenient mode of learning. However, it is not easy if you really want to take seriously. This short article gives you some precious tips we think will be helpful to all of you who have joined our session.
Wikis: A wiki has been our platform of choice for some time. This article lays out the basic concepts behind a wiki and gives readers some tips on how to use it in their classes.
Netiquette. "Netiquette" stands for "Internet Etiquette" and refers to the set of practices created over the years to make the Internet experience pleasant for everyone.
5 ultimate tricks of using social media as a learning tool The use of social media in education is a controversial topic among educators. This article gives teachers some precious tips on how to integrate social media into teaching.
To get a badge for this week, you need to do at least 3 of the following :
join the G+ Community
do the ice-breaking activity in G+
do the Google form survey
comment on any of the week 1 readings in the G+Community
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